KRS_Jade, "Jade Armor"
Final Release, Version 1.0

1. Installation
2. Modifications
3. Saved Games
4. Special notes
5. Credits
1. Installation

Unzip "KRS_Jade_V1.0.rar" and extract the "Data Files" folder
to your "The Elder Scrolls III" directory, or whichever directory has
your "Data Files" folder in it. A message box will appear, informing you
that the folder is of the same name and may overwrite some files.
Say "Yes" to this message box and continue. You will receive similar
messages regarding "Texture", "Meshes" and "Icons" folders- agree to
these individually, or simply hit "Yes to all"

If these message boxes DO NOT appear, then you have done something
wrong and should check your directories. Make sure that you are
unzipping/extracting all files to your "The Elder Scrolls III" directory,
and NOT into your "Data Files" folder. If this happens, you will now
have a "Data Files" folder INSIDE your original folder (of the same
name). Simply select that folder, press CTRL and X (which will "cut"
the folder") and back out of your directory until the "Data Files"
folder appears. Then hit CTRL and V to paste, and you should receive
the messages described above.

2. Modifications

-An ESP is included which sets up Jade Armor for use in-game. Body parts,
ground models, icons, the works. However, nothing is actually placed in-
game. To the best of my knowledge, I'm the only one out there using a KRS
designator, so unless by some bizarre, otherworldly chance you found a mod
using my exact IDs, there will be no conflicts.

And if you find this clone of mine, say hi for me would you? ;)

3. Saved Games

With the exception of the possible conflicts named above,
this plugin should be safe for all saved games. Precaution is
advised however: I recommend copying and backing up your saved
game(s) before enabling this plugin.

4. Special notes:

-TESAME and Argent's GMST cleaner were both used in the cleaning of this
mod. To the best of my knowledge, it's clean and sparkly. Enjoy.

-This plugin was originally created for the simple and laughable purpose
of giving me some "Generic Badguy Armor" to place on some NPCs in a dungeon,
all of which falls under "For Personal Use." Which is why the armor is using
the X designator, instead of my usual descriptive trends of "VM," "TH," etc.

-Presented as a gift to RavynAngel, in appreciation of all the armor plugs
she's given me in the forums. My thanks to you, kind lady.

5. Credits

Female Jade Cuirass based on mesh created by Avenger. Credits
on that mesh here:

Created by: Avenger
Version: 1.0
License: Free to use any way you like :)
E-Mail: dirk.dreidoppel@freenet.de
ICQ: 1227619
AIM&YAHOO: LesserHellspawn
MSN: LesserHellspawn@hotmail.com

All retexturing done by me, Kieve. Except with femme cuirass, only basic
Morrowind meshes were used, so the plugin is available to all. Special thanks
to Bethesda for several of the texture bases- look close and you might be able
to decipher most of what I spliced together to create this. Jade Armor is
effectively owned by RavynAngel, so check with her before distributing. And as
always, include this README. Obviously, I am not responsible for any changes
you make to the files.
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