Aundae Sentinel Armor

Originally designed as "Generic Bad Guy Armor" for Aundae vampires in the VMa Sholvarech plugin.
After long consideration, I decided that while I may yet release Sholvarech in the future, the armor itself was finished and I saw no reason to keep hoarding it.
Jade Armor

Another set that began as "Generic Bad Guy Armor." Originally, this one was gifted to the Exotic Boutique.
Time, however, has a way of passing. While I did offer it to RavynAngel (then part of the team on Exotic Boutique, who in turn contributed it to EB), I suspect that by this point, anyone who sees this armor is not going to want to download an extra 40mb or so of women's armor, clothing, etc.
Don't misunderstand me - EB is an excellent mod with many high-quality items. This is simply a small taste of what EB can offer, as well as a way to preserve one of my favorite and most ornate armors.
Silver Flame Armor

Originally my answer to a [REQ] thread by Adanorcil. He was looking for a guard's cuirass, and ended up receiving a full suit of armor, plus a weapon with a sheathing script.
However, the mod it was offered to has long since disappeared from the radar, to my knowledge. Or perhaps it was [REL]'d a long time ago and I simply missed it. Whichever the case, this is the Silver Flame Armor on its lonesome.
Praetorian Armor

After watching Gladiator, I was struck by the heavy fist of inspiration. Five hours later, I'd cranked out this mediocre work.
Unlike some other contributions, I can't look at this set and say I was very proud, even at its initial release. And the NPC I placed it on was totally unreasonable for the quality of armor you get... I was on the tail end of my "answer Don V's challenge" phase in creating uber-tough NPCs for high-level characters. On the other hand, it states right in the readme how to use the console to obtain the armor without beating it off this SOB.
Dark Telvanni Armor

An experiment inspired by one of Braddock's plugins - "Fusion" I think it was - where the meshes used only original Bethesda textures. This, coupled with what I was doing in the DTCS, hinted that maybe I could try something similar with armor to create a matching set.
Thus was born the DTA - Dark Telvanni Armor. Created for the singular purpose of matching the tileset, it uses many of the same textures. At its initial release, people were rather unimpressed, but for sheer cleverness, I still kind of like this set. It fulfills its purpose - a suit of armor for the guards (or generic baddies) of any DTCS-created area.
Telvanni Shrooms

My first TX replacer. Although I like using replacers, none of the other packs I'd found met both my criteria for usage: namely, that they match Bethsoft textures as closely as possible, and are of high-res quality.
I'm picky, I know, but I figure Bethesda had a certain artistic vision for Vvardenfell and I like my TX replacers to adhere to that... generally speaking. The Council Hall texture - well, that one I just liked better.
Void Gear Extras

There were some odds & ends I never included in Void Gear 2.1b, for various reasons. But, in the interest of sharing, here you go. The Void Construct Rhei'Os-Ka, and also the Void Elite helm and clavicle section (although as of this writing, those are subject to later revision), and a particle-effect Void Bolt - no guarantees on how well the particle effects work, it was an experiment.
It should be noted that Rhei'Os-Ka is a prototype for all Void Constructs of the Infernal type. And although it says so in the readme already, be forwarned: you DO need Void Gear 2.1b installed for these to work properly. So, go DL that first. You don't want missing TX's, do you?
Void Sickle

Phijama showed me some neat tricks, Skinjack showed me some inspiration, and after a few hours of modeling, tweaking textures, etc: here we are. A shiny new addition to the Void Gear roster.
